PROJEKTI UČESNIKA: 50 DOB: 18-30Kulturno nasljeđe Bosne i Hercegovine
Kulturno nasljeđe Bosne i Hercegovine
The service of medical and social assistance to the elderly, sick and socially endangered persons aims to strengthen non-institutional care of the most medically and socially endangered categories of society and in any case represents a necessary contribution of the non-governmental sector in providing assistance and care to the most endangered categories of the population.
Many rights of children are guaranteed by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, but the question arises as to how much we respect them. One of the basic rights that every child should enjoy is the right to education, which should be aimed at the full development of the personality, consolidation, respect for human rights and freedoms.
"Increasing tourist attractiveness, partnerships and business competitiveness through the transnational cultural route In the Footsteps of Marshall"