• Fondacija za promociju obrazovanja, kulture, mira i ljudskih prava


Small home "Thalia"

Small home "Thalia"

Many rights of children are guaranteed by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, but the question arises as to how much we respect them. One of the basic rights that every child should enjoy is the right to education, which should be aimed at the full development of the personality, consolidation, respect for human rights and freedoms.

In BiH, children of different nationalities are separated from each other in schools, which violates the basic right of a child to be educated in the spirit of tolerance, friendship between nations and in peace. It is education that connects children and focuses on tolerance, understanding, peace and friendship among nations.

Through creative-educational workshops (ecoart, art, drama, ceramics, sports), and preparation of a play in which the main actors will be children, we create a society without prejudices, unite the richness of diversity, enable children to say what they think, want, dream about. and in what society they want to grow up. We bring them closer to having the right to play, to learn about themselves and others and to actively, through artistic expression and creative-educational workshops, publicly express their opinions about the world around them.

The general goal of the project is to contribute to the creation of a society based on fundamental human values ​​through informal education of children and youth.

Project goals:

Complete the cultural life of children and youth
Launching a social and artistic space intended primarily for children and young people
Affirmation of children and youth through gaining practical experiences, as well as communication with children and youth
Socialization of children (through workshops and continuous work with children)
Education of children (through creative-educational workshops)

From 2014 until today, over 100 users have passed through the project - primary school children from I to IX grade and preschool age.