• Fondacija za promociju obrazovanja, kulture, mira i ljudskih prava


The 110-year-old tree created the most original and sweetest library ever

The 110-year-old tree created the most original and sweetest library ever

However, the most original library of this type that we have seen so far was made by a family in Cor d'Alein, in the US state of Idaho. Shirley Armitage Howard, a librarian, bookbinder and artist, decided to make a huge library out of a huge 110-year-old tree. The wood was rotten, and instead of being cut down and destroyed, today it houses one of the "Little Free Library" libraries.

The stump is carved inside, covered with a roof, and the interior and exterior lighting gave it a truly fairytale look and made it one of the most beautiful libraries we have ever seen.

See for yourself:

AUTHOR: STAŠA MILJKOVIĆ for National Geographic.